How To Style Links Inside Your Blog Post With CSS
Hello lovely! How are you today? This article is about how to style links inside your blog post.
Some months ago I sponsored an article on a friend’s blog which require people to click so that they can download an eBook on my blog.
But when I checked the article, I saw that the download link had the same color as the rest of the article’s text. That alone was enough for the post not to serve its purpose.
Why was that? The reason was probably that either that’s the template default link settings or he didn’t understand how to go about it.
In this short tutorial am going to show you how you can style links in your blog post by embedding CSS codes in your blog customization settings in WordPress and blogspot blogs. Don’t worry, it is simple!
What Is The Importance Of Link Color In A Post?
As one of the SEO guides, it is advisable you have internal and external links inside your articles.
How will your visitors know there is a link to read a particular post related to the current post without saying; “you can read more by clicking here?” the answer is, merely seeing a word or words with different colors, they know it a link to another post or website.
Also when you have a download link, your visitors can easily see and click on it to download. But when it’s just an ordinary text like the rest, they won’t take note.
Apart from this aforementioned importance, it also beautifies your blog post.
Why do I Need To Add CSS Code?
I observed that some blogger templates, especially the ones made by third parties do not have this function. For example, some free templates from gooyabitemplates. E.g the template used on Crownpaste. If you are using such templates, you can style it to your favorite color or even decorate the link text.
How To Style Links inside your blog post and also make them open in a new window both in WordPress and Blogspot
With these CSS link styling codes, you can differentiate inbound and outbound links in your articles by choosing different colors for them if you want.
Outbound links are links to other websites or blogs. These are usually included in your post when there is an article similar to yours or when you use an article from a website and give the owner due credit.
What you must do about outbound links.
How To Add The CSS Code To Style Links In Your Blogspot Template
The cool thing is, you can add this code with your mobile phone or tablet. You don’t need to be on a desktop to add. Follow the steps below to add the CSS code to style links in your articles.

How to Add CSS Codes To WordPress Theme

Examples of code to style links in your blog posts
/* unvisited link */
a:link {color:green;}
/* visited */
a:visited {color: red;}
/* selected */
a:active{color: yellow;}