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Nursing Blog: How To Start A Blog As A Nurse & Make N60k Monthly (Best Guide)

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This is a descriptive guide on Nursing Blog: How to start a Blog  as a Nurse & make N60k and more monthly wherever you may be in the world.

In this guide, you will learn;

  • What a blog is
  • Why you should start a blog as a Nurse
  • How much it costs to own a blog
  • Best free platform to start Nursing Blog
  • How to create a blog yourself
  • Important things to do after creating a blog
  • How to monetize the blog

As a Nurse who loves writing, health educating and impacting lives “healthwisely,” would you rather do it with your personal blog or keep wasting your contents on social media?

Before you jump to starting a blog, take your time to learn all there is to learn! Do you want to  know how to start a blog as a Nurse in this decade? Then keep reading.

What is a blog?

A blog simply means a small, personal website owned by a small group of individuals and in most cases by one person to share his/her thoughts, passions with the world in the form of entertaining, educating etc.

Blogging is the process of keeping a blog up and running.

Blog vs Website: What’s the difference?

Don’t be confused by the two terms. The major differences between a blog and website are;

  1. Blogs are updated frequently, at worst, once a week. Website is just made up of static pages.
  2. Blog allows for readers’ engagement e.g post like, comment, sharing etc. Website has no comment section or article reaction. The only page that is related to that is the contact us page, which will definitely have contact form.

It is also not uncommon to see that some websites have blog sections embedded with them. E.g etc.

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Why you should start a blog as a Nurse in this decade

As a registered nurse, 90% of nurses I have met are passionate about the profession and almost all isn’t cool with the way nursing in Nigeria is being portrayed.

Have you ever thought of making waves beyond the bedside and other medical stuffs most nurses do?

With your blog, you can make some remarkable changes in the profession.

See ways having a blog as a nurse can help you below;

  1. Blogging can help you change the face of Nursing: You can use your blog to correct people’s misconception of what nursing really is.
  2. Writing & Communication: Updating your blog requires writing and the more you write, the your become.
  3. Helps your business stand out: Business blogging is another way you reach out and be better than your competitors. Businesses with online presences are trusted more than the ones without online presence.
  4. Help you become an authority in whatever topic you choose to write on
  5. Helps you connect with your prospects and reach larger audiences.

Best free platform to start blogging as a Nurse if you are broke

I have seen countless of Nurses starting their blogs on free plan. And 99% of those blogs are no more updated. Do you want to hear the truth?

If you are on free plan, especially, you are still busy playing and wasting your efforts. You aren’t ready for the real deal.

If you are low on budget and want to start blogging on free platform, make use of Blogspot/Blogger.

MUST SEE: How To Buy .com Domain For $6.06 & 20GB Disk Space Host For $8.88 On Namecheap

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See reasons you shouldn’t deceive yourself with free WordPress plan

  1. You will encounter 99% limitations on your account
  2. You can’t monetize with Google AdSense and other ad networks
  3. Your account can be terminated without notification if your violate policy
  4. You can’t redirect your free domain e.g to
  5. Migrating out of free plan to other CMS will cost you lost of traffic and ranking.

DON’T FORGET: The best free platform I recommend is Blogspot/Blogger.

how to start a nursing blog

How much it costs to own a blog in Nigeria?

Blog doesn’t cost much as you may think it does. The amount you will spend on having a personal blog depends on whether you can create one yourself or you have to hire a blog designer.

As you know, learning to do it costs less than hiring professional to do it for you.

If you are hiring, for a start, N15-20k can give you a professional, good looking blog on self hosted WordPress blog. While N8-10k can give you a professional blog on Blogspot/Blogger.

See a detailed article on the cost of having a blog in Nigeria here.

What is a self hosted WordPress blog?

This is a form of WordPress blog, popularly known as the Real WordPress.

By self hosted, it means you host the blog yourself on the web hosting company of your choice.

And when you do, you have total control over your blog or website, unlike plans.

Things needed to create a blog as a Nurse

Scrap having everything for free off your mind and get ready. In order for you to have a blog set up for you, you need;

  1. Domain Name: Domain name is the website address people type in their browsers o access your website and read your contents. E.g If you are buying a domain name, buy the .com extension (it costs N3800 on Domain King & $9.06 on Namecheap). See benefits of using custom domain here.
  2. Hosting account: Web hosting account is what you need to if you want to create a self hosted WordPress blog (that is, hosted by you and you have 100% control, no limitation). The least I recommend is N11k plan on Domain King (comes with free domain Name and 10gb disk space).
  3. Theme/Template: This means the pre-designed structure of a blog you wish to use. Every website has unique theme or template. There are free ones and also paid one. For a start, go with the free ones.


Steps to take if you want to create your blog as a Nurse

Either you decide to learn how to design a blog or hire someone, the steps below are necessary.

  1. Learn How To Blog: I recommend you take a blogging class before making up your mind on starting one. All you have might be a misconception or wrong ideas.
  2. Choose the niche that fits you and your purpose: Blogging in the wrong niche, will at the end of the day, amount to waste of time.
  3. Buy domain name that matches your blog niche
  4. Make sure it is design properly (if you enroll for our class you will surely learn how) or hire a designer
  5. Start working on the blog once it is ready.

Top Niches For Nursing Blog You Can Choose From As A Nurse Blogger

Niche means the area of concentration. It is that aspect of life you want to focus on and become an authority, eventually. See a detailed guide on how to choose your blog niche perfectly here.

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Some of the top niches for nurse bloggers are;

  1. Nursing jobs and vacancies
  2. Nursing issues across the globe (If you don’t know, we all love to gossip and controversial issues)
  3. Health topics: Sexual health, Mental health, Nutrition etc. Having a health blog as nurse will make your audiences trust you more because you are qualified to talk about health issues.
  4. Health news: The amount of blogs on health news in Nigeria is low compared to other aspect
  5. Health product review: This sounds like an affiliate blog. With this kind of blog, you can write more on your Forever living products, etc and make more more
  6. Nursing education in Nigeria: Admission, Scholarship, IELTs, Nursing school news, online courses for nurses etc
  7. Nursing events & seminars in the country

See top Nursing blogs in Nigeria here.

How to create your blog step by step without paying anyone

To don’t his, you have two options.

  1. Join our membership site to access our detailed courses and downloadable resources with N5000. With the plan, you also have access to me to work on your blog for free.
  2. Buy any of the eBooks below to guide you through.

I’m a Nurse when can I start a blog?

You can consider having your personal blog if;

  • you love writing and you are not a lazy writer. Doesn’t matter which language you use. Just make sire your audiences flow with it. I know of a Nigerian nurse, Nrs Sowore, who writes in pidgin. I’m one of her fans.
  • you love health educating
  • you want to change the way people see nursing profession in Nigeria
  • you are like Princewill Aghedo who loves sharing useful information with Nurses, you should consider having a blog.

3 important things to do after your blog is created

  1. Build your email lists: You should start building your email list the day you start blogging. Email contact list is king. When you have the emails of people coming to read your articles, its a great way to connect with them and know them better. It is a way to make sure they never forget your blog. Mailchimp offers free plan to start with.
  2. Build quality backlinks to your blog: When your blog is set up, you will have zero backlink. And, your domain authority will be zero too. In order to shoot up your domain authority, you lots of quality back links to your blog. The closer your domain authority is to 100, the higher your chance if ranking above your competitor on search engines. See a detailed guide on what backlink is here.
  3. Work on generating traffic daily: In blogging, your daily traffic matters. Make use of the tips to get traffic highlighted below to drive traffic to your blog.

How to drive traffic to your blog as a Nurse

If your blog is about nurses or you write on what nurses will find useful, do the following:-

  • Write on article that solves nurses problems e.g Job vacancy, professional training, Admission etc
  • Write on articles that nurses find controversial e.g Nursing students were seen fetching water in uniform
  • Write on articles that entertain nurses e.g Nrs Begbaji releases new song
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Ways to increase your blog traffic are:-

Make sure you have an enticing title and then do the following.

  1. Sharing your blog post in social media hand ups. Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp and of course, Pinterest.
  2. Sharing your blog posts on forums and communities. E.g Nairaland and others
  3. Guest posting on other people’s blog 4).create your own group on WhatsApp, being one of the most popular social media presently and is used by almost everyone.
  4. SEO: Search Engine Optimization. No traffic like organic traffic (traffic from google and other search engines).

MYTH: It is a myth to think bloggers turn the data of people coming into their blogs to money. It isn’t so. If it is, I won’t have practiced Nursing at all.

Money on Whatsapp

How to make money with your blog as a Nurse

What most people do not know is that they can make money from and with their blog without using Google AdSense. Because of this, when they struggle with AdSense two or three months, they give up.

But note this, before you can make lots of money from AdSense and other ad networks, you need lots, I mean lots of traffic.

The top ways to make money from your blog are;

  1. Google AdSense: Before google can approve your blog, you must have made it ready. If not, they won’t. Click here to read how I applied for Google AdSense.
  2. Alternative ad networks: Some of these networks have more require men (lots of traffic)and harder to have than as sense and some rely avenue to domain. E.g,, MGID,, etc.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: This is selling of other people or company’s product and you get commission for each sale you make. When you sign up, get your affiliate link, people buy via blog and you get a certain percentage of whatever the visitor buys. You don’t need lots of traffic to use affiliate market, but right product for right set of people. To excel in this, you need to master the art of email marketing.
  4. Selling your own products: Whatever products you have, either digital or physical, you can sell via your blog. E.g eBook, audio course, video training etc.
  5. Advertising space:  This is getting other people to advertise on your blog by placing their business banner or link and you charge them either monthly or weekly.
  6. Sponsored posts: It is also a form of advertisement. People submit their article for you to help them promote in your blog which may include their website link or ways they can be contacted.

On the part of making money from and with your blog, you need content to  keep people coming, and traffic to monetize their coming.

So you see, nothing happens without traffic. The more traffic you have, the higher your chances of making money from your blog.

Wrapping up How to start a blog as a Nurse & Make Money

With the right information at your disposal, you can do and be what you want to be. This article has explained to you how to start a blog as a Nurse and make money with it fast in this decade.

Don’t forget to share this article with any nurse you know!


Contact me right away and let me give you the blog you deserve.

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