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How To Add Pop Up Email Subscription Form To WordPress (Best Guide)

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Welcome to a guide on how to add pop up email subscription form to WordPress blog or site.

This expository guide will answer your questions on;

  1. How to create pop up email subscription form
  2. Best free email collection tools
  3. Best free plugin for pop up email subscription form

What will you do if a visitor accidentally lands on your website to read one of your great contents but due to circumstances beyond your control, he left without even reading the article to the end?

One thing you can do is remind him of your blog. But you can’t do that without having his email address. And that’s where pop up email subscription form comes in.

What is pop up email subscription form about?

Email subscription form/widget is a medium via which you can get visitors’ email when they opt in for post notification on your site straight to their inboxes.

Pop up email form, as the name implies, pops or shows up to visitors while they read your content or while navigating your website’s pages.

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Pop up email subscription form vs Static widget email subscription form

The two work just fine but your audiences see one than the other. Some blog readers may not go beyond that particular article they are reading and as discouraging as it may sound, some may not read it to the end for some circumstances you can do nothing about.

The first form they see is the pop up email subscription form and if captivating enough, they put in their email and boom, they are in your list.

Static widget email subscription form comes in handy when visitor already closed the pop up form and still scrolling down your blog.

When should I start collecting emails on my blog/website?

You should start the collection as soon as your blog or website is up and running. Make every visitor counts.

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Advantages of using e-mail subscription form on website

Some of the benefits of having a means of collecting emails on your site are;

  1. Means of contacting visitors who may never come back: retargeting
  2. As an affiliate marketing or Email Marketer, you need lots and lots of emails of people who may be interested in the kind of products you promote. So collecting them on your blog will be fine.
  3. More traffic to your blog
  4. If you lose your blog or website, especially those on free plans, you will always have your contact list intact.
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What are the things needed for email subscription form on WordPress?

The things you need as far as this article is concerned are;

  1. Email collection tool – Mailchimp (it is in free and paid versions). It is one of the best free email collection tools
  2. Mail optin plugin – one of the best free plugins for pop up email form. Also in the free and paid versions.

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How to add pop up email subscription form to WordPress with mailchimp

Follow these simple steps to create pop up email form for your WordPress site.

Step 1. Watch the video for a step by step guide on how to and make sure you follow the steps as highlighted in the video

Step #2: Activate your form. After creating the pop up form as shown in the video above, go back to that form you create as shown in the diagram below and activate it.

  • Toggle on the dropdown icon
  • Click on activate and boom, your pop-up form is live and activated.

Wrapping up how to add pop-up email subscription form to WordPress

This is simply how you can create pop up form for WordPress site with Mailchimp and Mail optin plugin and never let your visitors go just like that.

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