Food Quantities

Exactly How Much Cake to Buy for a Crowd (A helpful chart)

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Planning a celebration and unsure about how much cake to buy for your guests? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide provides easy-to-use charts to help you determine the perfect cake size for various occasions. Whether it’s a birthday bash, wedding extravaganza, or a simple pound cake for a casual get-together, we’ve got you covered.

General Guidelines

When preparing for a crowd, it’s essential to have a clear idea of how much cake each person will consume. As a general rule, allocate one and a half servings per person. This ensures that there’s plenty for everyone to enjoy without running out. Now, let’s dive into the specific charts for round and square cakes.

Round Wedding Cake Guide

Type of cake Shape of cake Number of tiers Number of inches Amount of servings
Wedding cake Round One tier Six inches Ten servings
Wedding cake Round Two tiers Eight inches Twenty-eight servings
Wedding cake Round Three tiers Ten inches Forty-two servings
Wedding cake Round Four tiers Twelve inches Fifty-six servings
Wedding cake Round Five tiers Fourteen inches Eighty-two servings
Wedding cake Round Six tiers Sixteen inches One hundred servings
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Square Wedding Cake Guide

Type of cake Shape of cake Number of tiers Number of inches Amount of servings
Wedding cake Square One tier Six inches Eighteen servings
Wedding cake Square Two tiers Eight inches Thirty-two servings
Wedding cake Square Three tiers Ten inches Fifty servings
Wedding cake Square Four tiers Twelve inches Seventy-two servings
Wedding cake Square Five tiers Fourteen inches Ninety-eight servings
Wedding cake Square Six tiers Sixteen inches One hundred twenty-eight servings

 Round Birthday Cake Guide

Type of cake Shape of cake Number of inches Number of layers Amount of servings
Birthday cake Round Four inches Two layers Eight servings
Birthday cake Round Six inches Two layers Twelve servings
Birthday cake Round Eight inches Two layers Twenty servings
Birthday cake Round Nine inches Two layers Twenty-four servings
Birthday cake Round Ten inches Two layers Twenty-eight servings
Birthday cake Round Twelve inches Two layers Forty servings
Birthday cake Round Fourteen inches Two layers Sixty-three servings
Birthday cake Round Sixteen inches Two layers Seventy-seven servings
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Square Birthday Cake Guide

Type of cake Shape of cake Number of inches Number of layers Amount of servings
Birthday cake Square Six inches Two layers Twelve servings
Birthday cake Square Eight inches Two layers Twenty servings
Birthday cake Square Ten inches Two layers Thirty servings
Birthday cake Square Twelve inches Two layers Forty-eight servings
Birthday cake Square Fourteen inches Two layers Sixty-three servings
Birthday cake Square Sixteen inches Two layers Eighty servings

Sheet Birthday Cake Guide

Type of cake Category of cake Number of inches Number of layers Amount of servings
Birthday cake Sheet cake Seven by eleven inches Two layers Twenty-four servings
Birthday cake Sheet cake Nine by thirteen inches Two layers Thirty-six servings
Birthday cake Sheet cake Eleven by fifteen inches Two layers Fifty-four servings
Birthday cake Sheet cake Twelve by eighteen inches Two layers Seventy-two servings
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Pound Cake Guide

Type of cake Number of pounds Number of inches Amount of servings
Pound cake Two pounds Eight inches Ten servings
Pound cake Three pounds Nine inches Fifteen servings
Pound cake Four pounds Ten inches Twenty servings
Pound cake Five pounds Twelve inches Twenty-five servings
Pound cake Six pounds Twelve inches Thirty servings
Pound cake Seven pounds Fourteen inches Thirty-five servings


Now armed with the perfect cake size for your event, you can confidently cater to your guests’ sweet tooth. Whether it’s a round wedding cake, a square birthday cake, or a delicious pound cake, our guide ensures that your celebration is a hit! Enjoy your event and indulge in the joy of perfectly portioned, delectable desserts.

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