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5 Things To Do If Your Website Is Not Converting (Bringing In Sales)

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Have you been finding it difficult to make your website do what you created it for? In this article, I’m going to show you things you can do if your website isn’t converting (bringing in sales for you).

No matter how much you spend on building your website (for personal use, business, etc) it will not automatically start doing what you want UNLESS YOU MAKE IT.

Things To Do If Your Website Is Not Converting (Bringing In Sales)

What Is Website Conversion?

  1. In the simplest of terms, website conversion is when your website does what you want it to do. It may be in sales, filling in your subscription forms, contacting you, etc.

Things To Do If Your Website Is Not Converting

If your website does not do what you want or not as you want it, do the following;

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1). Check if it’s responsive. By responsive I mean if it works well on all devices (laptop, desktop, mobile) and also if it displays correctly on all browsers. If it does not, contact your web designer. If you do not have a dedicated web designer, contact us now.

2). Check if your site is navigable. Your visitors should be able to go from one page to another WITHOUT making them think TOO much. If they can’t, they’ll surely not stay on your website or do what you want.

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3). Check how long it takes your important pages to load. If it takes more than 5seconds, at worst 7, you will keep losing prospects. Web visitors and Google love websites that load fast. No one likes a website that takes forever to load.

4). Have a strategy ready to measure your conversion: Website conversion means different things to different people. To monitor your website conversion, you need to connect it with Google analytics. Not only that, you need to be able to analyze the data you’ll get from Google Analytics.

I’m a certified Advanced Google Analytics user and a Google-certified Data Analyst. I will help you make sense of your web data so you can make better business decisions.

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5). Employ the service of a Copywriter or Content Creator: If you don’t know your way around copywriting, you need a pro to help you craft your copy that will compel your visitors to take action.

Wrapping up

No matter what your website is about, you can make it do what you want it to do. In this article, I have revealed to you 5 things you can do to make your website convert.

The ball is now in your court. You can contact your website designer/manager or reach out to us. We’ll be glad to help.

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