
how much ei do i pay in 2023? Analysis and explanation

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Understanding Employment Insurance (EI) Premiums in 2023

Employment Insurance (EI) premiums play a crucial role in Canada’s social safety net, offering financial support to individuals during periods of unemployment, illness, parental leave, and more. As we venture into 2023, it’s essential to comprehend how these premiums are calculated, their impact on your finances, and the benefits they provide. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about EI premiums in 2023.

How EI Premiums are Calculated

Basic Premium Rates

The amount you pay in EI premiums is determined by your earnings from insurable employment or self-employment. In 2023, the basic EI premium rate for employees is 1.58% of insurable earnings, capped at a maximum premium of $963.36. Employers, on the other hand, pay 1.4 times the employee rate, which equals 2.21% of insurable earnings in 2023.

Key Points to Remember:

  • EI premiums apply to insurable earnings between a minimum and maximum annual threshold. For 2023, this range is $2,089 to $60,300.
  • Employees are only charged EI premiums on the first $60,300 of their annual insurable earnings.
  • Self-employed individuals are also subject to EI premiums, with rates in 2023 at 1.20% on earnings between $2,089 and $60,300, capped at a maximum premium of $724.
  • EI premium rates and thresholds are adjusted annually by the Canadian government, typically on January 1st, to account for inflation.

Calculating Your Estimated 2023 EI Premiums

To estimate your EI premiums for 2023, follow these steps:

  1. Calculate your total estimated insurable earnings for the year.
  2. Subtract the minimum annual insurable earnings amount of $2,089 from your total.
  3. Apply the employee premium rate of 1.58% to the remainder from step 2.
  4. Cap your estimated premium at the 2023 maximum employee premium of $963.36.

For instance, if your projected 2023 insurable earnings amount to $40,000:

  • Total estimated 2023 insurable earnings: $40,000
  • Minimum annual insurable earnings: -$2,089
  • Remainder: $40,000 – $2,089 = $37,911
  • 1.58% of $37,911 is $599.46
  • The maximum 2023 employee premium is $963.36
  • Your estimated 2023 EI premium is $599.46

This calculation provides an approximate figure of your potential EI premiums for the year based on projected earnings. Your actual premiums will be calculated when filing your tax return, reflecting your actual 2023 insurable income.

Deduction and Remittance of EI Premiums

EI premiums are deducted from employees’ paychecks by their employers and subsequently remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Here’s how it works:

  • Employers are responsible for withholding EI premiums from employees’ gross pay and remitting both employee and employer portions to the CRA.
  • Premiums are typically deducted from each pay period, such as bi-weekly or monthly, based on the employee’s insurable earnings for that period.
  • Employers must remit the deducted EI premiums, along with their own share, to the CRA within 15 days after the end of each remittance period (usually monthly or quarterly).
  • Self-employed individuals pay their EI premiums directly to the CRA when filing their annual income tax return, based on their total self-employment income for the year.
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All EI premium payments are managed by the CRA, while Service Canada sets the premium rates in accordance with annual rate-setting policies.

Benefits of Paying EI Premiums

While EI premiums reduce your take-home pay, they come with several valuable benefits:

1. Access to EI Benefits

Individuals who have paid EI premiums and meet eligibility criteria can receive EI regular or special benefits during periods of unemployment. This provides temporary income support when transitioning between jobs.

2. Maternity/Paternity Benefits

Birth mothers who have paid EI premiums qualify for up to 15 weeks of maternity benefits after childbirth. New parents may receive up to 61 weeks of combined EI parental benefits after a child is born or adopted.

3. Sickness Benefits

Those who have paid EI premiums and are unable to work due to illness or injury may receive up to 15 weeks of EI sickness benefits.

4. Caregiving Benefits

Caregivers may access up to 15 weeks of EI compassionate care benefits to provide end-of-life care to a gravely ill family member.

5. Retirement Benefits

After seven years of working and contributing to EI, individuals may qualify for a pension payable at age 60 or 65, depending on their annual insurable earnings history.

While EI premiums reduce your current wages, they provide crucial social insurance protections that many Canadians rely on during various stages of their careers.

Changing Jobs and Continuity of EI Premiums

When changing jobs, it’s important to understand how your prior EI premiums and hours of insurable work can impact your eligibility for future EI benefits if needed. Consider the following points:

  • Maintaining EI Insured Hours: To qualify for regular EI benefits, you must have sufficiently low earnings and accumulate a minimum of 420 to 700 hours of insurable work during the qualifying period before filing your claim. The required hours depend on the local unemployment rate.
  • Regional Transferability: If you move between provinces, your prior insured hours typically remain intact. However, special rules may apply for inter-provincial claimants under certain circumstances.
  • Previous Eligibility: If you were already eligible for EI, changing jobs doesn’t affect this eligibility during the claim period. However, you may still need to work the minimum required hours in your new job to qualify for benefits in the future.
  • Record of Employment (ROE): Always request ROEs from your previous employers, as the hours of insurable work reported on these documents can count towards meeting the EI hours requirements when filing a claim later on.
  • Self-Employed Earnings: Switching between self-employment and paid work may impact your ability to use self-employed earnings in the qualifying period for regular benefits.
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Maintaining continuous hours of work and EI coverage between jobs is crucial to ensure access to benefits should they become necessary during future periods of unemployment or other insurable events.

Filing Taxes and Reconciling EI Premiums

Every spring, Canadians must file their personal income tax returns, including a reconciliation of EI premiums paid or owing for the previous calendar year. Here’s how the EI premium reconciliation process works:

  • Your T4 slip from employers will show the EI premiums deducted in the previous year (Box 24). You’ll enter this amount on your tax return.
  • Self-employed individuals calculate EI premiums owed based on their net self-employment income declared on their tax return. This amount is entered as a deduction on line 213.
  • The CRA uses your tax return information to reconcile actual insurable earnings to the EI premiums deducted or paid.
  • If too much was deducted, you’ll receive a refund. If not enough was deducted, you’ll owe additional premiums.
  • The deadline for filing your tax return is usually April 30th for individuals and June 15th for self-employed individuals and farming businesses.
  • Penalties may apply for late-filed returns, including those with incorrectly reported or unpaid EI premiums.

Properly reporting EI premiums when filing annual taxes ensures that CRA records accurately reflect your premium payments and insurable hours for eligibility determination in case EI benefits are needed.

Frequently Asked Questions About EI Premiums

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about EI premiums:

1. Are Premiums Deductible for Tax Purposes? Yes, EI premiums are an eligible deduction that can reduce your taxable income. Deducted premium amounts from T4s and amounts paid by the self-employed are deducted directly on the tax return.

2. Are Provincial Maternity/Parental Plans Similar to EI? Provincial plans vary, with lower premiums and differing eligibility rules. Provincial plans generally offer paid leave, whereas EI provides income support.

3. How Do Premium Reduction and Waiver Programs Affect Premiums? These programs offer partial or full reductions in employer EI premiums for eligible small businesses. Employee premiums, however, remain unchanged.

4. If Not Working, Should I Still File for EI Credits? Yes, individuals should file even without working or earning to establish EI credit for potential future benefit use.

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5. Do EI Premiums Fund Other Government Programs? No, EI premiums specifically fund the Employment Insurance program and do not support other government initiatives or programs.

6. Can Self-Employed Individuals Opt Out of EI Premiums? Yes, self-employed individuals can opt out of the EI program. However, this decision is typically irrevocable.

7. Can I Claim EI Benefits If I Resign from My Job? Generally, voluntary resignations don’t make you eligible for EI benefits. Eligibility usually requires job loss through no fault of your own, such as layoffs.

8. How Long Do I Need to Work to Be Eligible for EI? The number of hours and the qualifying period required for EI benefits can vary based on your location’s unemployment rate, typically around 420 to 700 hours over the past year.

9. What Is the Waiting Period for EI Benefits? There’s a one-week waiting period before you start receiving EI benefits after applying. During this week, you won’t receive benefits but still need to file your reports.

10. Can I Receive EI Benefits While Working Part-Time? It’s possible to work part-time while receiving EI benefits, but your earnings may reduce the amount of EI benefits you receive. You must report your earnings each week when certifying.

11. What Is the Maximum Duration for EI Benefits? The maximum duration of EI benefits varies depending on the type of benefits you’re eligible for. Regular benefits can last up to 45 weeks, while special benefits like maternity or sickness benefits have different maximum durations.


Understanding how Employment Insurance premiums work in Canada is essential for both employees and self-employed individuals. These premiums affect your current income and provide critical financial support during various life circumstances.

By comprehending how premiums are calculated, deducted, and reconciled, you can make informed financial decisions and ensure you have access to the benefits you need when the unexpected happens.

Please keep in mind that this blog post offers general information about Employment Insurance premiums in Canada for 2023. It is not a substitute for professional financial or tax advice. For personalized guidance specific to your circumstances, consult with a qualified expert or the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Stay updated on any changes to EI premium rates and eligibility criteria, and make the most of this vital social insurance program.

Disclaimer: This blog post provides general information about Employment Insurance premiums in Canada for 2023. It is not a substitute for professional financial or tax advice. Please consult with a qualified expert or the Canada Revenue Agency for guidance specific to your individual circumstances.

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