
What Is Artrbion Used For?

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What is artribion used for? The answer is a medication that is being used in the treatment of Rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation, sciatica, neuralgia, back pain, tears, sprains, discomfort in the spine, muscular soreness, joint pain, and neck pain.


Artribion contains varieties of vitamins such as: Vitamin B1: 50 mg, Vitamin B6: 50 mg Vitamin B12: 200 mcg.

Vitamin B1 at 50 milligrams, vitamin B6 at 50 milligrams, and vitamin B12 at 200 micrograms are included in each capsule.

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It should be taken as one capsule every 8 hours for a period of two consecutive days. After that, take one capsule both in the morning and at night for the next three days.

What is artribion used for

It is being used in the treatment of Rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation, sciatica, neuralgia, back pain, gout, sprains, discomfort in the spine, muscular pain, joint pain, and neck pain.

Instructions for Use: Young People and Adults should not exceed one capsule of artribion every 8 hours for a period of two consecutive days.

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If you have a hypersensitivity to the product or it causes you to experience unpleasant side effects, please stop using it immediately and talk to your primary care physician about it.


Atribion should be kept at a room temperature. It should be kept away from dust and moist. It should also be kept out of children’s reach.

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This medication should never be abused by anyone. If you have any questions or queries about artribion then make sure you contact your doctor and ask questions about this drug. This medication should also be taken as prescribed by your doctor. It should be taken orally with enough quality of water.

Side Effects

Although this medication does not cause chronic side effects, but some of the sure effects this medication might cause are;

  1. Nausea
  2. Vomitting
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