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How To Become A Blogger In Nigeria Easily (Step-by-Step)

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This is a descriptive guide on how to become a blogger in Nigeria and beyond.

How can I become a blogger is one of the questions I get to answer daily. Becoming a blogger is one of the best decisions you can make in this information age.

This guide shall reveal to you;

  • How to create a blog
  • How to blog and make money
  • How to start a blog on Instagram and Facebook

You will get answers to your questions in this blog post.

Let’s get started!

how much it costs to own a blog in Nigeria

Who is a blogger?

A blogger is someone who owns a small web page (popularly called blog) where he shares information either to educate, teach or entertain for peoples’ enjoyment.

There are lots of bloggers on the internet and daily lots of people open or create a blog for personal use or business.

No matter your field of study or your interest, you can become one.

Things you need to become a blogger

Becoming a blogger is easy BUT nothing comes without a price. There are some things and qualities you must have and possess to become a blogger. The things you need to become a blogger are;

  1. Laptop or Desktop devices (or a smartphone)
  2. Money to do internet data subscription as often as possible (maybe every two weeks or every month).
  3. Ability to write and you must love writing. If you don’t want to be copying and pasting other people’s works, you must know how to write and also love doing it. You don’t necessarily need to be a guru at Use of English.
  4. Patience, Consistency and Determined: Am sure you have seen and heard of various successful bloggers, to be like one, you need to be patient, determined and consistently do that which you are good at.
  5. Money: Be ready to take paid courses in the areas you blog about. If you do not know how to design a blog, you will need a blog designer for that. If you want to know the secrets of ranking, you will need an SEO expert for that. Don’t expect them to do it free of charge for you.

General guide to creating a blog in Nigeria

You can become a blogger in whatever field or area of expertise you are in. As I have said above, take note of the things you need to take care of in your blog.

To become a blogger, you will need to first create or start a blog for yourself. See a guide where I discussed how to start a blog with less than $25.

In summary, to start a blog;

  • Make up your mind to be one
  • Choose a platform ( or Blogspot)
  • Pick a niche (an area you want to blog on and become an authority). See a guide on how to choose your blog niche
  • Buy a web hosting account (I use and recommend Namecheap) and a custom domain (e.g
  • Choose a fitting theme or template
  • Hire a blog designer IF you can’t do it yourself.
  • Be well grounded in the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can hire me for this too.
  • Start writing and share your contents with the world
Apply Now:  How To Do SEO Set Up For Blogspot or Blogger [Step-by-step]

With this guide, you can become either Nurse blogger, Book review blogger, sport blogger and whichever one you want.

Before you chose your blogging platform, check out the differences between Blogspot and WordPress below.

Differences between Blogspot and WordPress

There are many Content Management System platforms where you can create websites or blog. WordPress, Blogspot/Blogger, tumblr and others are the popular platforms. But, WordPress and blogspot being the most popular.

SEE ALSO: SEO For Music Bloggers: Secrets To Rank Music Blogs On Google

This distinction is based on the use of self-hosted WordPress blog and Blogspot.

Ownership: Blogger is provided by google as I have said earlier. It is free and however, it is not owned by you.

With WordPress, you own your blog and only you decide when you want to shut it down.

Control: Blogspot has limited control while in WordPress, you can easily extend it to add new features with plugins.

Security: In blogspot, google takes care of your security for you but in WordPress, you will have to take care of that yourself via plugins.

Blogger/blogspot is useful when you just want to start a blog to share your thoughts. But if you are blogging for business, building authority,  branding yourself, WordPress is the ideal choice.

Blogspot has limited features. Whereas, WordPress gives you complete control over your blog and you can do anything you want with it.

The major difference between and blogger is that you can monetize your blog with a free blogger account with Google AdSense, but can’t use Google AdSense on WordPress free account even the upgraded one (personal).

How to become a blogger for free

Is it actually free? If you are still a student with low/no source of income and have a passion for blogging, you can start and have a blog for free. Yes, you can. But do not forget you need data to keep it updated.

What you need to do is create a free blogspot account (like this DO NOT GO FOR WORDPRESS FREE ACCOUNT. With free blogspot account, if you manage it well, you can apply for AdSense or some of its alternatives. So if you make some cash from it, you can go ahead to buy your custom domain and connect it.

Get in touch with me if you need help.

Apply Now:  How To Start A Blog With $25 (Step-by-Step Guide)

How to become a professional blogger

I have seen lots of people creating blogs on free platforms of WordPress and Blogger (Blogspot). Back then, I started my blogs on free, I had to just let go of them. If you want to be a professional blogger and want people to see you as such, you must be ready for it in terms of money.

To be a professional blogger, you need;

  • A custom domain
  • Web hosting account (from a reliable company. Don’t just go ahead to buy because it is cheap) for self-hosted blogs. Buy both from Namecheap
  • Connect your custom domain to your free blogspot account IF you can’t afford self hosted blog
  • Write original contents for your readers. No one wants to read what he has seen somewhere else again.

My dear, forget free totally. Do you know why? Because it will get you frustrated and you will later abandon it. See my earlier article on my views about free WordPress and blogspot accounts.

How to become a successful blogger

Success to every one of us means different things. To some, it means traffic, to some, it means seeing others succeed, to some it means money.

To be a success in the blogosphere, you must be ready, determined, consistent, and patient. Do not expect to start today and start making the money tomorrow. It doesn’t work that way!

You will spend money on some premium tools, and pay people to teach you some things. Everything has a price attached to it. Be ready to pay the price.

IMPORTANT! Check out the vital fundamentals of blogging you should know.

Blogging will require much of your time. How do you cope when you are a student, a mom, and 9-5 worker? Am currently running two blogs personally. My secret is using the 80/20 rules. Click here to read how to apply 80/20 principles to your blog career.

How to become a blog writer and get paid

This is simple. All you need to start this is your ability to write an article that everyone will want to read. You do not need a blog before you can write for bloggers.

These are what you will do;

  • Work on your writing skills
  • Attend or take SEO courses. No blogger will resist a writer that knows much about SEO.
  • Contact blogs that are in the niche of your choice and offer to write for them for free. Doing this will help build up your portfolio
  • Apply to write for bloggers that are ready to pay.
Apply Now:  How To Add Music To Blogspot Without Downloading The Song (Working Perfectly)

If you love writing health articles, read how to make money with the health is wealth affiliate program here.

Do not forget, the more you write, the better you become.

How to become an Instagram and Facebook blogger

Have you heard about Instablog9ja if you are a Nigerian? Yes, it is a blog on Instagram with thousands of followers. Even news and entertainment bloggers use his content on their blogs. Just imagine how popular it is.

Starting a blog on Instagram is not hard and not costly. All you need to start are;

  • Instagram account that is well set up with a beautiful name
  • Niche (area you want to be talking on) e.g News, Gossip, Health etc
  • Be ready to keep your followers updated by dishing out to them the latest info in whatever area you chose.

Most bloggers also have Instagram account connected with their blogs. Same is applicable when you want to start a Facebook blog.

Want to become a YouTube blogger? This is called Vlogging and people in this category are called Vloggers. See my detailed article on how to start a vlog (blog on YouTube).

Do you want to become a blogger?

If your answer to this question is YES, kindly connect with me on WhatsApp to get my full attention so that I can teach you and be your guide. In no time, you will know how to create a blog yourself.

NOTE: There are small fees attached. Remember, I will have to sacrifice my time tutoring you. But I promise it won’t break your bank.

Wrapping up how to become a Blogger

As you have just read, becoming a blogger is not hard. But what most people will not tell you is that you need to be committed and consistently do what you are doing.

Success is not for the weak in life. The same thing is applicable to blogging.

What to do after reading this article?

Wondering what to begin with after reading this long article? Give answers to the questions below,

  • Which platform can you afford? or Blogspot with a custom domain?
  • What will you be talking about on my blog? (Your niche)
  • Do you already have knowledge in that area? If no, can you take courses on it?
  • What will your Domain be? (Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see if your domain is available)
  • What will your blog name be?

Answers to those questions will lead you to;

  • Design your blog (Hire me to design it for you).
  • Learn more about SEO (I can teach you).
  • Start writing

If you find this article helpful, kindly share it with loved ones.

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