Blogging Tips

Benefits Of Custom Domain Name For Your Blog

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This is a descriptive guide on benefits of using custom domain name for your blog or website.

As a blogger on free domains, either WordPress or Blogspot, you do not know what you are missing. In this article, I will give out to you benefits of custom domain on your blog. With few dollars, you can start your blog on a custom domain level.

What Is Custom Domain?

Custom domains are domains like .net, .online, .org, .blog etc). This represents your home on the world wide web. It is general referred to as website address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

A custom domain name, will be bought from a domain dealer/company online.

Do you want to become a professional blogger? If yes, then you should consider having a custom domain on your blog.

Most bloggers start with the free domains such as or because the blogging investment is zero.

According to shoutmeloud, that is a safe way to start, but as someone who is looking forward to creating a career in blogging, that is huge mistake.

He further emphasized that, those bloggers who use free blogging platform usually don’t like to invest in custom domain. They feel they can always change to a custom domain when they are getting more traffic. But that is so untrue.

Domain extension

These are forms in which domain name can be. This form has effects on how people interact with your brand. The domain extensions are;

  • .com
  • .org
  • .net
  • .shop
  • .name etc
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Which domain extension should I buy?

You should desist from buying domain extension because its cheap. I made that mistake back then in 2016.

The best version of domain extension you can use for your website or blog is .com unless your website will be for an organization (.org), network (.net). Why .com? Because its what most people are used to.

On the other side, you can purchase more than one domain extension. But, only one will be the primary domain for your website.

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How to chose a domain name for your blog

As a rule of thumb, you don’t just rush and buy JUST ANYHOW DOMAIN. Before you chose a domain, there are some important things to take note of. They are;

  • Do a thorough research before concluding on a domain name. Someone else might be using it, even the .com extension.
  • Make sure you go for the .com extension of the domain unless otherwise speculated
  • Two or three syllabic words is okay. Just make sure, you domain name is not too long for people to remember.
  • Desist from using hyphen (-) and numbers in your domain name
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Disadvantages of using free domain names

It is so easy to start your blog on a free account, especially in Blogspot because you don’t want to spend money. Well, starting and sleeping on free domain name is actually not the best way to start.

See disadvantages of free domain names below;-

  1. You lose domain authority when you switch to a custom domain, because you might have driven lots of backlinks to your blog. When you then think of getting a custom domain, your domain authority will go back to zero.
  2. You can only use google AdSense to monetize your blog (that is if its blogspot). And if perhaps your account is banned by AdSense, you can not reapply which means you will have to try alternatives. Don’t be surprised that some alternatives have stricter rules than AdSense. Some of them require you have a custom domain.
  3. You will need to re-submit a sitemap to all search engine again whenever you buy the custom domain name
  4. You will need to update your blog`s url on all social media.

Benefits of custom domain name for your blog

What is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. Help yourself by starting off your blogging career on a custom domain level. See some of the benefits below.

  1. You have better exposure in search engines, especially Google
  2. You increase your chance of getting approval by AdSense
  3. Your backlinks won’t go into waste
  4. Makes you look professional and users will find your blog trustworthy
  5. Credibility: Getting a custom domain is a good signal of how seriously you take your business or blogging career.
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6. If you are business owner, custom domains also help your business get found online more easily.

Where to buy cheap custom domain name

My favorite domain provider is They are good to go for and their customer support is superb as they are 24/7 ready to attend to your complaints. Scroll up to the header of this very blog and search for your preferred domain to buy. You can buy now and use later.

At Namecheap, .com domain costs $9.16/year.

CHECK OUTNamecheap Coupon Codes For Web host and Domain

NOTE: Before you can use your custom domain on WordPress self-hosted blog, you will need to buy a hosting plan from a reputable company which Namecheap is one. For more info, contact me (to create a self hosted blog for you).

HIRE ME: Do you want to set up custom domain on your Blogspot blog?

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