
How to Win the Casefile Truth and Deception

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To win at Casefile Truth & Deception, you need to pay close attention to every little detail.

Study each clue carefully, some will be more obvious, while others are subtle hints that could easily be missed.

Some Important Tips

Look for connections between the clues. Do certain clues point to the same person or place? Are there clues that seem out of place or unrelated? Those oddball clues could be red herrings meant to throw you off, or they might be the key to cracking the case.

Examine the relationships between people mentioned in the clues. Look for motives that different individuals may have had. Try to determine who had the means and opportunity to commit the crime.

Re-read and re-examine each clue multiple times. New insights or interpretations may pop up on the second or third read-through.

Pay attention to names, dates, locations, and any other details that seem noteworthy. Even minor facts could provide major breakthroughs. For example, if a clue mentions the location of a building, research the history and former occupants of that address, it may uncover connections you never expected.

Don’t make assumptions based on appearances, stereotypes or incomplete information. The obvious suspect is not always the guilty party. Look beyond the surface and consider all possibilities with an open and unbiased mind.

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Questioning Witnesses: Look for Changes in Stories

The key to winning at Casefile Truth & Deception is figuring out when witnesses change their story. As you question each witness, listen carefully for any details that don’t quite match up with what they said before.

Pay close attention to the timeline of events. If a witness says something happened at a different time than they first claimed, that’s a clue their story may not be truthful. Ask follow up questions to determine if it was an innocent mistake or an intentional deception.

Also watch out for witnesses who provide way too many details. Liars often embellish their stories with extra specifics to seem more believable. Of course, some people just have great memories – but if the details seem implausible or don’t quite add up, it could be a sign of dishonesty.

Changes in emotion or body language are also telling. A witness who seems very emotional when first telling their story but detached when recounting it again may not be truthful. Shifty eyes, fidgeting, or stammering can also indicate deception. However, don’t assume that anxious behavior alone proves someone is lying – many honest people experience anxiety during questioning as well.

The key is looking for clusters of signs rather than relying on any single cue. When multiple details in a witness’s story change, their emotions shift, and their body language is off, there’s a good chance you’ve caught them in a lie. Politely but confidently call out the inconsistencies in their testimony to catch them in the act and win the game! With practice, you’ll become a human lie detector in no time.

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Spotting Lies: Watch Out for Contradictions

To catch liars in the act during Casefile Truth & Deception, watch carefully for contradictions in their story or statements. Liars often can’t keep their facts straight and will contradict things they said earlier.

1. Look for Changes in Details

Pay close attention to the small details in someone’s story. If those details suddenly change when they tell the story again, that’s a clue they may be lying. For example, if they first said the stolen item was a blue watch, but then later claim it was a red bracelet, that’s a contradiction. Liars have a hard time keeping their fictional details consistent.

2. Listen for Vague Language

Liars don’t like to commit to specific details, so they will speak in vague, ambiguous terms. They’ll say things like “someone” did something rather than give a name. Or they’ll say the event happened “the other day” rather than provide an actual date. When details seem overly vague or nonspecific, it could be a sign of deception.

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3. Watch Out for Qualifiers

Phrases like “to be honest” or “I’m telling the truth” are actually signals that what the person is about to say may not be entirely honest. Honest people don’t need to convince you they’re being truthful. Liars use these qualifiers to try and make themselves seem more believable.

4. Notice Unusual Behavior

A liar’s body language, eye contact, and tone of voice may seem off or unusual. They may avoid eye contact, fidget frequently, or speak in a tone that doesn’t match the emotion of what they’re saying. While body language alone isn’t proof of lying, noticeable shifts from someone’s normal behavior could indicate they’re not being truthful.

5. Ask Follow Up Questions

If something sounds suspicious, ask follow up questions to get more details. Liars will have a hard time elaborating on their story and providing concrete answers. They may become evasive or defensive when asked clarifying questions. Don’t be afraid to press for specifics, as it can reveal inconsistencies and force liars into a corner.


With practice, spotting contradictions and deception can become second nature. Pay close attention, trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to ask probing questions. Ferreting out the truth is the name of the game in Casefile Truth & Deception!

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